My Profile


If you want to change,why not have your hair cut at Cutting Studio?

1973 graduated from Gakusyuin Univ. ( economics)
while in college,qualified as a hairdresser in Japan.

'73-'74 trained at Vidal Sassoon School
of Hairdressig in London.
'74 haircutting instructor & interpreter at Sassoon school and academy.
'75-'76 worked as a free-lance demonstrator at some hairdressing schools in Canada.
1977 opened Cutting Studio (sinagawa,Japan)
'77〜 started working as an instructor for Kanto Beauty School and for several cosmetic co. as well.

SPECIALITY : Instructor of AIKIDO(martial arts)
It's been over 20years since I started
practicing AIKIDO.
5th dan,black-belt,Rensi.

Profile inJapanese

1973年学習院大学経済学部卒、 在学中に美容師資格取得。卒業後、渡英、Vidal Sassoon School of hairdressingで一年間カットを学び、その後スクールとアカデミーにて、インストラクター及び日本人美容師のための通訳として、働く。1975年カナダに渡り、フリーランスのデモンストレーターとして、美容学校、サロン等で、活動。 1977年帰国後東京、品川にカットスタジオをオープン。以来各地で講習活動中。


合気道5段錬士、 指導者として、活動中

Appointment(Cutting Studio)


Information(E-mail address) 

